Nathan Wallace

Hi there 👋🏼 I'm Nate — father, investor, green finance nerd, and Principal Wealth Manager at Savvy. It's nice to meet you!

I'm a wealth manager by trade because my passion is in helping Southern California families, foundations, non-profits, and endowment funds navigate an ever more complex investment world.

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Ojai, California

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How Nathan works with clients
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“My goal is to provide advice to make sure clients feel comfortable and safe with their retirement plan and feel like they're on the right track to get to where they want to go with a minimum amount of uncertainty and a minimum amount of stress.”

Learn more about Nathan

How can I help?

Investment Management

Strategic, data-driven investing for ambitious results
Explore a range of investment choices, including traditional equities, structured products, alternative investments, Direct Indexing, and individual fixed income.

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Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing

We help clients adopt socially responsible investing strategies that align their investment choices with their values. We enable you to prioritize investments in companies that have shown a commitment to enhancing their performance in these three key areas.
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Personal Direct Indexing

Build your own personalized index portfolio based on your unique values with direct ownership of individual stocks. This allows for greater customization and effective tax loss harvesting.

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Foundations & Endowments

End to end investment services
We provide end to end investment services to non-profits, institutions and endowments with institutional quality asset allocation, fund selection and portfolio construction, paired with values aligned investing.
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Let’s achieve
greatness together

My passion is helping people achieve their financial goals. I believe that everyone has the potential to meet their financial needs, no matter their background or starting point.

My team and I are committed to providing personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

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Monthly recaps on financial markets. Stay in the loop with Nathan.

Get to know Nate

Nathan brings 15+ years of investment experience to Savvy. He began his career as a research analyst at a boutique quantitative equity management firm, where he helped research and implement new factors to drive portfolio performance. During that time, he entered the institutional consulting field and helped plan and implement portfolio strategies for multiple pension funds across the west coast of the United States.

In 2013 Nathan founded Greyfox Investors, with the goal of providing intelligent, approachable wealth management strategies for families, nonprofits and institutions. Nathan is particularly passionate about providing ESG focused solutions to clients and helping align investments with his clients’ ethics.

‍Nathan lives in southern California with his three children and two dogs. A true outdoorsman and philanthropist, he spends his time outside of work camping, skiing, and volunteering his time with a variety of educational and environmental non-profits.
Nathan double majored in Political Science and History at Trinity University and holds his Series 65.

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